Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Exploring Banyule Billabong, Melbourne

The wetlands along the Yarra River within the city of Banyule, 15 km east of Melbourne, are of high environmental significance due to the many plants and animals that exist there. Unfortunately, they have become degraded over the years and are in need of consistent work to restore them to their former glory.

The Yarra Wetlands project is a partnership between the Council and the community, and consists of the following two components:

Revegetation Works - Banyule Swamp
Banyule Swamp is the most significant wetland in the lower reaches of the Yarra River. It attracts large numbers of waterbirds and has many significant plant species. This component of the project involves the planting of local native plants within and around the swamp.

Banyule City Council oversees the North East Melbourne Waterwatch program. This program involves schools and the community in the assessment of water quality and provides education on the protection and conservation of waterways and wetlands and their plants and animals.

I visited these interesting Wetlands on October 22, 2007, exploring 3 km of walking tracks adjacent to the Swamp, the Billabong, and the Yarra River.

The full set of pictures is at
Banyule Billabong Photos

1 comment:

  1. kevin biaggini3:26 PM

    Great Job of putting this up for all to see.
    Shows how some people appreciate and use the opportunities to see this wonderful area. Full marks to the WARRINGAL Conservation Society for their excellent efforts over the last 40 years.

    Kevin Biaggini, Friends of Banyule
