Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wurundjeri Walk and Wetlands, Blackburn, Victoria

Wurundjeri Walk is a linear park of 20 hectares extending between Middleborough and Blackburn Roads in Blackburn South, 20 km east of the Melhbourne CBD.

The park is made up of the following parks and reserves:
Orchard Grove Reserve, Wilkes Place, Link Hurter / Finch Street Links, The Wetlands

Wurundjeri Walk is named after the Wurundjeri Clan, the Koori people who lived in this area prior to white settlement. The park is owned and managed by the City of Whitehorse and is a major district park with a balance of recreation facilities in a natural setting.

The Wurundjeri Wetlands, completed in 2001, enhance the recreational values of the park with the creation of an attractive habitat for water birds. Further development and planting will occur in the wetlands.

There are walking paths, seats and viewing points from which the visitor can overlook the wetlands, observe the birds and admire the indigenous trees e.g. Red Stringybark, Yellow Box, Long-leaf Box, Swamp Gum, Sweet Bursaria and Swamp Paperbark plus many other grasses, tufties and shrubs indigenous to Whitehorse.

Bird species sighted in the wetlands include the White-faced Heron, Pied Cormorant, Straw-necked Ibis, Black Duck, Black-fronted Dotterell and Australian Wood Duck.

The Wurundjeri Walk Advisory Committee, established in 1988, consists of local residents appointed by Whitehorse Council for a term of three years. Committee members offer their time on a voluntary basis to advance the park by assisting the Council in the management and development of this valuable community asset, and in providing a link to the local community. The Committee meets on a monthly basis, organizes planting activities and working bees, as well as social events throughout the year.

There is an active "Friends of Wurundjeri Walk" group and planting activities are held regularly in the park.


to view/download a brochure and map of this Walk.

I explored the Walk and Wetlands on October 3, 2007, and my pictures are at Wurunderi Walk Photos

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