Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Snow Trip to Mt Donna Buang

On July 8, 2008, I went up to Mt Donna Buang, in the Yarra Ranges National Park, 60 km east of Melbourne.

This was the first day this year on which snow had fallen on the mountain. The summit road had been closed off by the authorities at the Ten Mile Picnic Ground, as it was impassable for conventional vehicles.

The temperature at 2 pm was minus 2 degrees, and the picnic ground and car park were covered in about 10 cm of fresh snow. During my visit, snow fell steadily, keeping the snow plough very busy!

As it was not permitted to drive up to the summit, I went down the mountain to a warmer environment (3 degrees!), below the snowline, and visited the amazing Rainforest Gallery and Overhead Walkway.

This is a 500 m walk on a steel gantry above the Forest and Cement Creek.

See the full set of Photos

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