Saturday, May 02, 2009

Rhyll Wetlands and Conservation Hill Reserve

The Rhyll Wetlands and adjacent Conservation Hill Reserve are located on the north of Phillip Iand, near the small coastal settlement of Rhyll, about 120 km SE of Melhourne.

Access is from the carpark on the Cowes-Rhyll Rd, where there is a colorful Information Board and map, describing the Wetlands Mangrove Boardwalk, and the Conservation Hill Track.

The Boardwalk is about 600m, past the mangroves, reaching a viewpoing overlooking the Rhyll Inlet and Wetlands.

From there, a track winds its way up through woodland to the Conservation Hill Summit and Lookout, whence there are excellent views across the Wetlands and Westernport Bay, to French Island in the distance.

The return path is via the same route, back to the car park.

The total walking distance is about 4 km.

My visit was on Thursday April 30, 2009.

See the full set of Photos of my visit!

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