Sunday, June 21, 2009

Glen Fern Valley Bushlands, Upwey

Glen Fern Valley Bushlands Reserve is a 40 hectare protected forest area in Upwey, 30 km east of Melbourne.

Ferny Creek runs along the bottom of the Bushlands.

I visited the Reserve on Thursday afternoon June 18, 2009, as a follow-up to an earlier trip, exploring some of the walking tracks.

This was a 3 km circuit hike, which took me along Ridge Track, New Track, Sarah's Track, Creek Track, Loop Track, Depot Track, Kunzea Track and Quarry Rd.

The Bushland is fast becoming a recgnized nature reserve in the foothills of the Dandenongs. The main entrance is at the car park on Glenfern Rd, at the start of New Rd. From here, Glen Fern Ridge Track starts - a map and colored information brochure are available at a box next to the entrance.

The Friends of Glenn Fern Valley Bushlands Inc. does much of the maintenance in the Reserve. It's a non-for-profit community group, and major achivements include:

. Reservation of the land in 2003
. Flora and Fauna surveys
. Weed control
. Setting up new picnic tables and seats along the Track network
. Planting hundreds of trees
. Gained the cooperation and support of local government, business and many community volnteer groups

Scouts, Venturers, primary school groups, University and College students join with local resident volunteers in planting, weeding, and on Community Discovery, Clean Up Australia, and Tree Days.

Working bees are held monthly.

The site escaped the Black Saturday fires of February 2009, and has regained much of its natural values, and is the habitat of over 80 bird species, more than 200 indegenous plants, many mammals and reptiles, such as the Swamp Wallaby, Grey Kangaroo, and Koala.

There are nice views from the Ridge Track across the Reserve.

There are also excellent panoramas from the side of Glenfern Rd, opposite the main car park, looking across farmland to the Lysterfield Hills.

Comprehensive information about the Bushland Reserve, the activities of the Committee, and dates for working bees, is available from

Please see the Photos of my visit!

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