Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bunyip State Park - Dawson Fireline Hike

Dawson's Fireline Track is in the southwest section of the Bunyip State Park, anout 65 km east of Melbourne.

It is a former logging track, now used for fire management, accessible to walkers, horses, and bicycles.

It is gated, and links the Gembrook-Tonimbuk Rd with Cannibal Creek Track, with an elevation change from 159m to 208m.

It follows the Dawson's Ridge and is about 4 km return.

I explored this interesting track on Tuesday afternoon August 17, 2010, starting at the northern gate, climbing steadily to the junction with Cannibal Creek Track at the ridge summit.

The area has been subject to severe bushfire impact on several occasions, and the forest is now largely regrowth.

Late-winter wildflowers were blooming, including Acacia and Banksias.

Parts of the track were very muddy, after the recent heavy rain.

There were some interesting views from Cannibal Creek Track across the Park to the Black Snake Range.

See all of my Photos of this trip!

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