Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rickett's Point Sanctuary, Beaumaris

These pix were taken on March 14 2014.

Rickett's Point Sanctuary is in the Bayside City suburb of Beaumaris, south of the CBD, and has been a popular beach destination since the 1880s.

Many varieties of birds congregate there, including black swans.

At low tide, the large reefs are exposed - my visit was a 2 km hike to the outer reef and along Watson's Bay.


From 1889 to 1914 the Beaumaris Tram Company conducted a horse-drawn tram service from Sandringham to Cheltenham through Beaumaris (see the 1914 heritage picture!). It closed due to high costs and low patronage. There are no remains to be found of the line, but it is remembered by the name of a suburban street that it once used - Tramway Parade, Beaumaris.


Click here to see all of the Photos of my visit, in Static or Slideshow format!

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