Sunday, March 10, 2019

Wandinong Nature Sanctuary - South Blackburn

A 2 km circuit hike on March 9, 2019. 

Wandinong Sanctuary is a large nature reserve in the middle of suburban Blackburn which was bequeathed to the people of the former Nunawading Shire by the Hoare Family in 1973.

Each year, the descendants of the donors gather to celebrate the generosity of their forebears.

The original owners of the property planted trees with signage marking the names and birthdays of their 20 grandchildren.

The homestead, built in 1913, and outbuildings were demolished in the mid-1970s. The homestead stood near the large pine trees, at the end of the main pathway; commmorative plaques on a large granite boulder and an illustrated information board mark the actual site.

A new natural timber fence and gate have recently been constructed along the Canterbury Rd boundary. The info board has been replaced, sponsored by the Wandinong Sanctuary Advisory Committee. 

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