Friday, May 23, 2008

Yea River Hike, Tooolangi State Forest

An excellent walk in the Toolangi State Forest, 50 km north of Melbourne, is along the seldom used Yea Link Rd and Cockpit Creek Track.

This 4 km (return) walk starts at the junction of Yea Link Rd and Sylvia Creek Rd, and passes through excellent tall forest and fern gullies. There are many birds!

The walk finishes at the Yea River crossing.

Cockpit Creek Track is gated during the winter, and is suitable only for heavy 4WDs, as it is very steep, rutted, and muddy after rain. At the time of the visit, a notice on the gate advises that the track is being upgraded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

Yea Link Rd can be very slippery after wet weather, and care must be exercised in conventional 2WDs.

I did this interesting hike on May 22, 2008.

See the full set of Photos and a Map

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