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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shoreham Coastal Hike at Low Tide

I visited Shoreham Beach on Wednesday afternoon September 16, 2009, on Westernport Bay, 65 km south of Melbourne.

It was a very low tide, and the magnificent reefs and wonderful rock pools were exposed.

I hiked along the reefs and beach almost to the town of Flinders, a total distance of some 6 km return.

There were a few other people and hounds doing what I was doing, a couple of swimmers, and a small motor boat.

These reefs are arguably the best along the northern section of Wssternport Bay.

New information boards have been constructed describing the history of the Foreshore, and the ocean environment.

Please see the complete set of Photos of my visit, which includes some historical images, showing the Beach as it looked in the 1930s and early 1940s. The Jetty was dismantled by 1940. There are also two photos showing myself, taken on January 13, 1952: one shows our tent at the YMCA's boys' camp at Shoreham, the other is a group of us at the rockpools.

I was a skinny kid then, with thin legs!

I did this beach hike on January 18, 1952 as an activity organized by the YMCA camp. This was exactly the same route as I took on September 16, 2009, 57 years later!

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