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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dandenong Police Paddocks Reserve - Rowville

👿 Photos of February 13, 2017, taken on the unsealed gated 2 km section of Police Rd, reached from Stud Rd. This dirt road marks the northern boundary of the Reserve, and runs next to the large East Rowville Terminal Station (ERTS) of the Ausnet Transmission Group and adjcacent to the Waverley Golf Club grounds. The track ends at Churchill  Park Drive. 

HF Power Lines seen in the photos are twin 220 kV, supplied from the Cranbourne and Rowville Terminal Stations on double circuit towers.

This hilly area of the Reserve is an interesting example of the original bushland, which was never cleared. The flat land was cleared of timber in the mid-1850s, and then used for grazing. The reserve is owned and managed by Parks Victoria - grazing was phased out in the early 1900s. The name "Police Rd" is a legacy of early use of part of the land between 1830 and 1931 for the Native Police facility.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bob, this place looks marvelous, are they blackberries there?
    Not sure I like the look of those huge transmission lines, there are heaps of them. The forest and tracks look really great! Thanks for sharing and best regards! Michael
