The Cairn
I visited the Reserve on February 14, 2017, on a 3 km "research hike."
The Reserve is a
499-ha park managed by Parks Victoria and includes areas of significant
indigenous flora.
The Cairn |
The site was used as a native Police Headquarters and an Aboriginal Protectorate Station from 1837 to 1853, and subsequently used as the Victoria Police Stud Depot from 1853 to 1931. Since then it has been used as a public purposes reserve for, among other things, grazing, a military camp and recreation.
The Cairn |
The site was
also home to the 7th Australian Scouts Jamboree in 1964-65; ownership was
transferred to Parks Victoria following the Jamboree, and the roadways
built for that event are now shared walking trails through bushland and grassland.
Rusting fence in front of mound - building foundations are believed to lie beneath |
In 1972 a Commemorative Plaque was erected by local Councils at the former site. This is rarely visited, situated on a hill in the central grassland area and reached by foot from the end of Frankston Drive (a gated roadway built for the Jamboree, from Churchill Park Drive). The Plaque may also by accessed from a gated fire management track starting at Brady Rd, next to the Dandenong Creek.
Walking route to the Cairn |
Notice at entrance gate on Frankston Drive |
Frankston Drive |
On Frankston Drive |
Site of Jamboree Chief Commissioners' Headquarters, Franston Drive |
Looking towards Historic Area from Frankston Drive |
Vehicle turning circle at end of Frankston Drive |
Vandalised notice board at Historic Area Lookout |
Looking north from Historic Lookout |
Info on top of Cairn |
Track to Cairn |
Historic Site showing area of Periwinkle |
Cairn Track towards Brady Rd |
Looking towards site of Jamboree Main Arena from Historic Area |
The Cairn |
Cairn Track to Brady Rd |
Green tree in grassland! |
Yellow flowering Wattle in grassland |
Vehicle turning circle at end of Frankston Drive |
Frankston Drive |
Walking track to Brady Rd from Frankston Drive |
On Frankston Drive |
At the Historic Site |
Howdy Bob, this is a different and very interesting historic area, it is looking really good also, wonderful clear photos this time too, thanks for sharing and best regards! Michael