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Monday, February 13, 2017

Winton Wetlands - Wantirna

👿 A 3 km exploration on February 12, 2017, starting at the Koomba Park carpark on Boronia Rd.

The area is managed by Melbourne Water.

Site Significance: Two regionally threatened vegetation types are represented
  •  Floodplain Wetland Complex and Riparian Forest
  •  Locally rare flora are present, and the rare waterbird, Latham’s Snipe, has been observed there;
Being on Dandenong Creek, the site is on a major corridor for daily and seasonal movements of birds and insects (particularly waterbirds, several species of which are threatened)

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Bob, well, this wetlands sure is looking good, nice and green and lush and plenty of water and plenty of bird life to see also, thank you for sharing and best regards! MIchael
